Soap challenge club March 2019. Международный конкурс-соревнование. Март 2019г.
Greetings to you, dear reader !!! Somehow it already happened that every spring I have a tradition to take part in competitions Soap challenge club))) Apparently spring sun invigorates. At first glance, the stated theme of the competition is simple, but far from it !!! Cut the topic on the stencil on each piece of soap, then you need to arrange the figures in color - and this is still a test. This is truly manual labor. Maybe someday, I will once again try to portray something in this technique, but now dismiss it)))) played enough))) very hard work !!! In total this month 257 took part !!! soap makers from around the world !!! (p.s. from 25 countries) and I am glad that I have such an opportunity - to learn from experience, to draw inspiration, to get acquainted with fellow hobbyists. The first couple of days I still had doubts about what to portray))) and then the thoughts came by themselves. I remembered our trip with the children to the circus - the brightness of colors and ...